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Illustrated poetry — Silvia Marz Alfonso, tatsmood

Pensa (mientos) senti

Launching September 2024
Pensa (mientos) senti is a collection of illustrated poems. Genuinely imbued with sensitivity, its author explores personal, romantic and spiritual fulfilment. Written over a decade, her verses express joy, doubt and melancholy as she transforms from a young girl into a woman, navigating society and building relationships. The softly, falteringly drawn illustrations that emerge reveal the profound tenderness of feelings and hopes hidden between the lines.

This work is only available in Spanish.

Silvia Marz Alfonso
Silvia Marz Alfonso was born in the Valencian Community of Spain. She has been writing ever since she was a young woman. Equally gifted as a yoga teacher and a personal trainer, she is especially connected to her body, emotions, and spirituality, which adds profound sincerity and authenticity to her poetry. After writing for over a decade, she finally decided to publish a selection of her work with éditions pépé in Pensa (mientos) senti (2024), a poetry book illustrated by tatsmood. Alongside this first publication, she is already working on a second volume.


tatsmood is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Valencia in Spain. She contacted éditions pépé in 2023 to offer her collaboration on a project. The following year, as she was spending the spring in Slovenia, she was called to illustrate Silvia Marz Alfonso’s poetry. She put a finishing touch to these beautiful poems thanks to her soft and moving illustrations with intentionally fragile and faltering lines. They were published in Pensa (mientos) senti in September 2024.

Back cover (Spanish)
«No soy lo que escribo,
soy lo que sientes al leerme.»

Writer’s note (Spanish)
«Quiero agradecer la escritura de este libro a todas y cada una de las personas que he conocido en mi vida, que de una manera u otra me han ofrecido el sentimiento del amor, siendo estas conscientes o no de su pureza o toxicidad al entregarlo. Ello me ha permitido plasmar este libro que hoy te entrego a ti (mi querido público) con el pecho abierto, dejando mi corazón de nuevo en unas manos ajenas (las tuyas) sin expectativas de cuidado, pero sí de disfrute e identificación, ya que de ello ya me he encargado, yo mientras sangraba esta tinta.

Gracias de nuevo, mis amores, me habéis enseñado a mi verdadero amor, yo misma».

Illustrator’s note (Spanish)
«Siento que este libro habla sobre una sensación que todas tenemos en algún momento de la vida. La primera vez que lo leí me sentí conectada, por ello las ilustraciones reflejan mi visión emocional sobre los textos de Silvia.

Sol, eclipse y luna... Forman parte del proceso de crecimiento».

first edition (2024)
110 x 185 mm (4.3” × 7.3”)
48 pages
200 copies
ISBN 978-2-9579763-4-8

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